"Me and Mom." Pietro Brunelli Outfits: the perfect Christmas gift from mother to daughter!
With the arrival of Christmas is important to find a gift that will impress the most important people in our lives b>. The sweetest, most loving gifts are those that a mother does to her child, to strengthen one feeling like the one that exists between them and create a playful complicity. P>
The Capsule Collection "Me and Mom" Pietro Brunelli b> is designed to dress equally mothers and their children, creating a unique wardrobe for the whole family. It represents an original Christmas gift and also wanted for all the grandmothers who want to surprise their daughters and granddaughters with fun items, but at the same time elegant and 100% Made in Italy. P>
Do you want to win the hearts of mothers and their children making Christmas b>? The soft colored sweatshirts b> work with stitching and dresses with b nice prints> as puppies and kittens, are suitable to you: tone down the look and give so much color during the holidays. P >
For a Christmas shopping b> which offers fantastic gifts are waiting online will, in our Milan Boutique in Via Fiori Chiari 5 b> and in all the department store world famous. < / p>