Nursing apparel: how to dress for a stress-free nursing experience
The arrival of a baby is a wonderful and very delicate moment in a woman's life. In particular, the first days are full of joy, but there are also moments of tension and insecurity. As an expecting woman many questions come to mind; what do I do? Will I be a good mother? Will I be able to nurse my baby?
The importance of breastfeeding
Breast milk is perfect for feeding the newborn baby because it contains all the needed nutrients in the right proportions: proteins, mineral salts, fats and antibodies. That's why, if possible, it is important to start breastfeeding from childbirth and continue until weaning or beyond. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding up to six months, and encourages mothers to continue until the child is two years old, naturally complementing it with the introduction of other foods.
It is good to keep in mind that in the breast the baby does not only look for food, but also affection, cuddles, consolation and safety. It is almost a continuation of the umbilical cord. After all, they have been in contact with the mother for nine months, why would they want to leave now? So be patient and be there for them whenever they want to, to feed them and calm them down.
Nursing bras, tops and other must-haves
Luckily nowadays, breastfeeding is no longer a taboo and women who want to breastfeed can do so (almost) everywhere. Thanks to the existence of nursing clothes, it makes it easier to do so. By choosing the right garment, you can breastfeed your baby at any time, without hiding and without always wearing the same old shirts.
Pietro Brunelli knows the needs of new moms, that's why he has created a line of nursing clothes studied in detail to facilitate women who want to breastfeed, without sacrificing style.
The fundamental garment for every new mother is the nursing bra: made of natural cotton to not irritate the skin already put to the test, and has a comfortable and adaptable fit. The practical clip allows you to open and close the cup as needed, so you can easily breastfeed in any situation.
Nursing dresses for the ceremony
If you too are looking for the perfect dress for a special occasion, here are the tips from the stylist Pietro Brunelli for attending summer ceremonies during pregnancy, without ever forgetting style and elegance.
Do not forget the nursing tops, available in different colours, always elegant in their simplicity, and the breastfeeding dresses; the ideal choice for a special evening in the company of your baby.

Among the must-have garments, special mention should be made of the unique breastfeeding sweatshirts: the cheerful and super trendy patterns hide a comfortable opening, cleverly positioned between the seams to camouflage and come out only when needed.
With these select and strategic garments, your new wardrobe will be ready to face breastfeeding with a smile and with the style that Pietro Brunelli has thought of for all mothers, who want to be fashionable before, during and after pregnancy.
All you have to do is discover the entire breastfeeding clothing collection in the Milan boutique in via Fiori Chiari 5, in all the world-famous Department Stores and Online.